Adventure Quest Worlds is an Browser-Based Adobe Flash Player MMORPG game, I rather enjoy it and I have been playing it on and off for almost 2-3 years now. It can be fun to play as well; I support the games' development buying "Artix Entertainment Game Cards (4000 Artix Points)" from my local GameStop to buy 3 months of "Adventure Quest Worlds Membership" (Also known as: VIP Status). I highly recommend joining the game; It's Free to Play. My Character's name is: Rockin_Roxie, and I am currently an Level 20; Rank 10 Doom Knight. (Doom Knight is an Member's Only Class)
Requirements to Play the Game:
An PC running Windows, Mac or Linux
An Web-Browser like; Internet Explorer, Safari, Firefox, Opera, or Chrome (Google Chrome is Recommended on Linux, as the Linux Plug-In stops at version: "11.2 r202" (Chrome's "Pepper Flash" is at Version: "11.8 r800"))
Adobe Flash Player for your Operating System and Browser (IE ActiveX Plug-In or Netscape Plug-In)
Keyboard and Mouse (PS/2 or USB; Most of the Game is Mouse-Navigated) [I highly recommend using an USB Optical Mouse; even on an Laptop, instead of the "Trackpad"]
An 9" x 11" Gaming-Sized Mousepad (Optional; Useful for using an Optical Mouse)
A E-Mail or Web Mail Account
Recommended Settings:
An PC or Laptop running Windows,MacOSX, or Linux Ubuntu
An USB Optical Mouse [I recommend an "Gearhead OM3400U" USB Optical Wheel Mouse; $5.85 on] {Walmart: Gearhead "UM3400U" 3-Button USB Optical Mouse}
The most recent Version of Google Chrome for your OS
A PS/2 or USB Compatible Keyboard; or the Laptop's Keyboard (you have to input Text, somehow)
Get an Free Web-based E-Mail Address (Top-4, Free E-Mail Providers):
Legend: E-Mail/Webmail Provider [Known Email Domains (American)]
Microsoft Corporation: Webmail [;;;]
(The; domain is my Favorite)
Yahoo! Inc.: Yahoo! Webmail [;]
Google, Inc.: Google Webmail "gMail" [Interchangeable Domains:;]
AOL, Inc.: AOL Webmail [;]
Get an Awesome "Freeware" E-Mail Client for your Web-based E-Mail Account(s):
Mozilla Corporation: Mozilla Thunderbird 24.0 [Cross-Platform E-Mail Client; Default on Linux Ubuntu]
Email Address Example:
Local Part - Address chosen by E-Mail Account owner
Domain Part - Location of the Mailbox Host
Local Part @ Domain Part
Example: (This is NOT an Real Email Address; It's Only an Example Address)
Example of an E-Mail Address with an Interchangeable Domain Part: or
Would both belong to the same owner; and can't be chosen by another person.
(These are NOT Real Email Addresses; They're Only Example Addresses)
External Links:
Artix Entertainment: Adventure Quest Worlds
Artix Entertainment: Artix Master Account Portal
Adobe Systems, Inc.: Get Adobe Flash Player (IE or Firefox Browsers) [Keep the "IE ActiveX Plug-In" Updated]
Google, Inc.: Google Chrome Browser (Intergrated "Pepper" Flash Player) [Browser Auto-Updates it's Flash Player Plug-In]
Mozilla Corporation: Mozilla Firefox Browser [Keep Your "Netscape" Flash Plug-In Updated]
Information Links:
Wikipedia: Artix Entertainment, LLC.
Wikipedia: Adventure Quest Worlds
Wikipedia: Adobe Flash Player [List of Current Adobe Flash Player versions]
Wikipedia: Google Chrome
Wikipedia: Mozilla Firefox
Wikipedia: Apple Safari Browser [Windows version of Safari was Discontinued after version: "5.1.7"]
Other Links:
Apple, Inc.: Safari 5.1.7 for Windows [Browser Discontinued; Keep Your "Netscape" Flash Plug-In Updated]
Apple, Inc.: Safari 6.0.5 for MacOSX [Keep Your "MacOSX" Flash Player Runtime Updated]
My Adventure Quest Worlds Character/ Game Stats:
I have gotten pretty good again at Adventure Quest Worlds, I made a sweet Hero and collected some excellent Armor.
Character Info:
Rockin Roxie - Female Hero (In the Game; You can just call me: “Roxie")
DoomKnight Class, Rank 10 (Lv. 20 Fighter Enhancement)
Allegiance: Evil ShadowScythe Empire; Empress Gravelyn
Level: 20
HP: 1367 MP: 100
Artix Points: 0,000
[Card Redeemed on: 04/23/2013 @ 3:34 AM EST]
[Points Spent on: 09/27/2013 ]
Pet: None Equipped
Guild Affiliation: None
Position/Rank in the Guild: N/A
Guild Established on: N/A
Membership Status:
I am A Member Join Date: March 28, 2013
Account “First” Upgraded On: April 10, 2013 (Initial: 1 Month)
Latest Membership Package Added On: September 27,2013 (3 Months)
Current Membership Expiration: February 12, 2014
Gold: 139,517
Adventure Coins: 3,182
Attack. Power: 181
Spell Power: 44
54 DPS (131-132, 2.3 speed)
Strength: 85
Intellect: 24
Endurance: 91
Dexterity: 47
Wisdom: 22
Luck: 15
Percentage Values Against Same Level Opponent:
Hit% 93.04
Haste% 4.34
Critical% 15.30
Evasion% 10.18
Character Page: Rockin Roxie, Rank 10 Doom Knight (Current Info, and Animated Hero Pic)
And these are my Current Equipment, that I use (and where I bought it):
Adventurer Classes:
Warrior, Rank 10 (Starting Class)(Fighter Enhancements)
DoomKnight, Rank 10 (Member Class(AC version))(DoomKnight Shop in Shadowfall; 2,000 Adventure Coins)(Fighter Enhancements)
Darkblood Katana (Blackhorn AC Shop - Blackhorn Tomb; 170 Adventure Coins) (Fighter Enhancements)
Rapier (Yular's Shop; 10,000 gold) (Fighter Enhancements)(Stored at the Bank)
Unarmed (Member - Upgrade Only Shop; 4,000 Gold) (Fighter Enhancements)
Grateful Undead Blade (Monster Drop: Grateful Undead) (Fighter Enhancements) (Stored at the Bank)
Armor:Red Karategi (Akiba Martial Arts Shop; 35,000 gold)
Armor: Ornate DoomKnight Armor (Member - DoomKnight AC Shop; 1,300 Adventure Coins)
Armor: Scarlet’s Costume (Member - Sleuthhound Inn, Scarlet’s Key Shop; 3,500 gold)
Armor: NecroU Cheerleader (Member - NecroU Quest Chain) (Stored at the Bank)
Cape: Dark Floating Wings (Yulgar's Shop; 1,000 gold) (Fighter Enhancements) [Equipped; But, not graphically shown (custom setting)]
Helm: Female Darkblood Horns (Darkblood Armors - Falguard; 25,000 gold) (Wizard Enhancements)[Equipped; But, not graphically shown (custom setting)]
Faction Reputation Standings:
Evil - Rank 7/10 (Rank 5, needed to become a DoomKnight!)
Doomwood - Rank 6/10
Pet Tamer - Rank 2/10
Arcangrove - Rank 2/10
Dwarfhold - Rank 1/10
Yokai - Rank 1/10
Vampire - Rank 4/10
Mythsong - Rank 2/10
Lycan - Rank 1/10 (Only need Rank 1, for the Storyline; Lycans are Werewolves)
Factions will only appear on your list after you gain "Rep Points" from a quest for the First Time.
You need at least Rep Rank 1, to buy anything from a Faction's "Rep Shop".
You'll need at least Rep Rank 1 from both the "Vampire" and "Lycan" Factions; In order to progress through Darkovia, and face Chaos Lord Wolfwing.
Game Server of Choice: "Safiria" (Non-Member; Chat Enabled)
I can be found in "Skullhome" and "Oaklore Forest" Helping the ShadowScythe Empire.
I can also be found in "Darkovia" Helping the Vampires.
To join me where ever I am, type this into your "Chat Bar": "/goto rockin roxie". (I only play on the "Safiria" Server! (Unless, Server is full))
Back-Up Server(s) of Choice (if the Safiria Server is Full):
Evil Sir Ver (Member-Only Server; Chat Enabled)
Zorbak (Moglin-Safe server; Canned-Chat only)
Alinia (Non-Member Server; Chat Enabled)
Equipment/Enhancements Equipped:
Classification (Armor): DoomKnight Class (Rank 10), Lv. 20 Fighter Enhancement
Weapon: Unarmed, Mace, Lv. 20 Fighter Enhancement
Armor: Scarlet’s Costume Lv. 1 (Armor can't be Enhanced)
Cape: Dark Floating Wings, Lv. 20 Fighter Enhancement (Not Shown)
Helm: Female Darkblood Horns, Lv. 20 Wizard Enhancement (Not Shown)
The Fighter Enhancement Boosts: Strength, Dexterity, and Endurance. (Increases Attack Power and Max HP)
The Wizard Enhancement Boosts: Intellect, Wisdom, Endurance, and Luck. (Increases Evasion%, Critical hit%, and Spell Power)
My New AQW Character, has better Stats at Lv.11; then My Old AQW Character at Lv.16. Thanks to my Helm with Wizard Enhancements. (My Wizard Enhancements also increase my Evasion and Critical Hit stats)
My old Character, only used Fighter Enhancements; So, It had a very poor Evasion Stat and Critical Hit Ratio!
I have my “Helm” equipped; But, I customarily used the Game’s Settings and turned off the Graphics Switch, that said, “Show Helms”. This way, I can still use my Enhancements, while keeping my Haircut.
To become an DoomKnight; You be a Rank 10 Warrior, Rank 10 Healer, have an Evil Rep Rank of 5, and have Full-Member Access in the game. For the AC version, though; You don’t need to be a Rank 10 Warrior and Rank 10 Healer first. I still recommend having Evil Rank 5, though. (DoomKnight is the Evil version of the Paladin Class)
Other Links:
DoomKnight Class -
Gravelyn, Empress of Evil -
AQW Member Perks -
Artix Entertainment, Online Merch Store -
Web Browser of Choice (to Play the Game in):
Key Legend: Core OS/ Browser/ Browser Version/ Adobe Flash Plug-In Version
Linux Ubuntu/ Google Chrome/ 29.0.1547.76/ 11.8.800.170
Windows 7/ Google Chrome/ 29.0.1547.76 m / 11.8.800.170
Secondary Web Browsers, that I might use:
Linux Ubuntu/ Mozilla Firefox/ 23.0 - Canonical 1.0/ (Final Linux Version)
Windows 7/ Mozilla Firefox/ 24.0 (x86)/ 11.8.800.168 (Netscape Plug-In)
Hints about Item Selling:
The Rarer the Rarity of the Item, The More Gold you can get by Selling it.
Higher Level Items, also Sell for a little bit more Gold.
You get more Gold or Adventure Coins back when you Sell the Item within the first 24-Hours from Purchase.
Note: The Artix Entertainment Headquarters is in: Land O’ Lakes, Florida; So, All of the Game Servers will be set to: Eastern Standard Time (-05:00; US&Canada)
Here’s their Address:
Artix Entertainment, LLC
P.O. Box 2005
Land O' Lakes, Florida 34639
Best Monster Locations for Me to Level Grind:
Legend: Monster/ Area/ Monster’s Level/ Monster’s HP/ Monster’s MP
[M] = Members only Map
Tune-A-Fish/ Mythsong City & Lorestockapalooza/ Lv.22/ 1519/ 100
Grateful Undead/ Stairway to Haven & Lorestockapalooza/ Lv.24/ 1601/ 100
Rock Lobster/ Stairway to Haven & Lorestockapalooza/ Lv.24/ 1601/ 100
Dire Wolf/ Darkovia Forest& Lycan Ridge/ Lv.15/ 1731/ 100
Blood Maggot/ Darkovia Forest& Safiria’s Castle/ Lv.15/ 1737/ 100
Albino Bat/ Darkovia Graveyard& Safiria’s Castle/ Lv.10/ 842/ 100
Undead Soldier/ Shadowfall War/ Lv.20/ 1876/ 100
Undead War Mage/ Shadowfall War/ Lv.10/ 842/ 100
Bonemuncher/ Shadowfall War/ Lv.23/ 1559/ 100
Ghoul/ NecroU & Shadowfall War/ Lv.12/ 954/ 100
Doomwood Bonemuncher/ Doomwood Forest, NecroU & Necro Tower/ Lv.15/ 1219/ 100
Doomwood Treeant/ Doomwood Forest, NecroU & Necro Tower/ Lv.10/ 991/ 100
Doomwood Soldier/ Doomwood Forest, NecroU & Necro Tower/ Lv.15/ 1219/ 100
Doomwood Ectomancer/ Doomwood Forest, NecroU & Necro Tower/ Lv.15/ 1219/ 100
Undead Paladin/ Doomwood Forest/ Lv.30/ 1840/ 100
Personal Chopper/ Chopping Maul/ Lv.15/ 1219/ 100
Slime Skull/ Chopping Maul, NecroU & Necro Tower/ Lv.15/ 1219/ 100
Shelleton/ Chopping Maul & NecroU/ Lv.15/ 1219/ 100
Shadow Muncher/ Shadowfall/ Lv.30/ 1840/ 100
Beatles/ Lorestockapalooza & Mythsong City/ Lv.23/ 1559/ 100
Stinger/ Lorestockapalooza & Beehive/ Lv.24/ 1601/ 100
Mozard/ Lorestockapalooza/ Lv.26/ 2595/ 100
Vampire Ghoul/ Lycan War/ Lv.10/ 842/ 100
War Lycan/ Vampire War/ Lv.10/ 842/ 100
Vampire Knight/ Lycan War/ Lv.10/ 842/ 100
War Lycan Knight/ Vampire War/ Lv.10/ 842/ 100
Lycan/ Lycan Ridge/ Lv.15/ 1219/ 100
Lycan Knight/ Lycan Ridge/ Lv.20/ 2230/ 100
Chaos Vampire Knight/ Lycan Ridge/ Lv.15/ 2049/ 100
Chaos Lycan/ Safiria’s Castle/ Lv.15/ 2049/ 100
Megadude/ Arcadion [M]/ Lv.10/ 1989/ 100
Evil Arcade Machine/ Gamehaven [M]/ Lv.10/ 1989/ 100
Evil Console Machine/ Gamehaven [M]/ Lv.10/ 1989/ 100
Just an Blog of my Freelanced Hobby Games and Rom Image Hacks, by my Non-Profit Company "Charcoal Studios, Ltd."
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