Just an Blog of my Freelanced Hobby Games and Rom Image Hacks, by my Non-Profit Company "Charcoal Studios, Ltd."
Friday, October 25, 2013
My Pokemon X Version Progress; As Of: 10/25/2013
Pokemon X Version; Data Sheet:
Name: Rocky Age: 24
Sex: Male
Trainer ID#: 20300
Money: 1,363,621 Pika Dollars
Badges: 8 (In Order: Bug, Cliff, Rumble, Plant, Voltage, Fairy, Psychic, and Iceberg)
Kalos Dex Mode - Seen: 316/454 Obtained: 40/454
National Dex Mode - Seen: 321/718 Obtained: 41/718
(Note: that the Kalos Dex is split in 3 parts; Central, Coastal, and Mountain. I combined the data of all 3 parts)
Adventure started on: 10/19/2013
First entered the “Hall of Fame” on: 10/23/2013
Pokemon Party:
Legend: Nickname (Species)/Gender /Level [Type1/Type2]
Godric (Pyroar)/ Male/ 100 [Normal/Fire]
HauntedElder (Trevenant)/ Male/ 89 [Ghost/Grass]
Fawkes (Talonflame)/ Male/ 91 [Fire/Flying]
Bernie (Greninja)/ Female/ 94 [Water/Dark]
DeWalt (Rhyperior)/ Female/ 87 [Ground/Rock]
Serena (Gardevoir)/ Female/ 85 [Psychic/Fairy]
Pokemon Party Move Sets:
Legend: Pokemon/ Move (Type); Move2 (Type); Move3 (Type); Move4 (Type)
Godric/ Flamethrower (Fire); Crunch (Dark); Incinerate (Fire); Fire Fang (Fire)
HauntedElder/ Wood Hammer (Grass); Forest’s Curse (Grass); Cut (Normal); Poison Jab (Poison)
Fawkes/ Steel Wing (Steel); Flamethrower (Fire); Fly (Flying); Brave Bird (Flying)
Bernie/ Night Slash (Dark); Surf (Water); Waterfall (Water); Water Pulse (Water)
DeWalt/ Thunderbolt (Electric); Rock Smash (Fighting); Bulldoze (Ground); Strength (Normal)
Serena/ Moon Blast (Fairy); Psychic (Psychic); Flash (Normal); Dazzling Gleam (Fairy)
Other Data:
Pokemon Battle Château; Kalos Route 7:
Current Nobility Rank: Duke
Top Favorite Battle Château Trainers: Duchess Sabine, and Duchess Malva
Writs Issued by Me:
Writ of Invitation x1 (50,000 Pika each)
Silver Writ of Invitation x2 (100,000 Pika each)
Gold Writ of Invitation x1 (100,000 Pika each)
Writ of Challenge x1 (50,000 Pika each)
Kalos League:
Rank: Champion
Favorite Elite-4 Member: Malva, Fire-Type Expert
Times Entered “Hall of Fame”: 1
Favorite Pokemon: Trevenant (Kalos (Mountain) #062 National#709); Elder Tree Pokemon; Type: Ghost/Grass; Height: 4'11"; Weight: 156.5 lbs. -It can control trees at will.It will trap people whom harm the Forest, so they can never leave.
[Serebii Pokedex: http://serebii.net/pokedex-xy/709.shtml]
Favorite Move Combo:
Forest's Curse/ Grass/ The user puts a forest curse on the target. Afflicted targets are now Grass type as well. Then, I use
Poison Jab/ Poison/ The target is stabbed with a tentacle or arm steeped in poison. It may also poison the target. (TM84; Pwr: 80 , Acc: 100, PP: 20)
(Poison Attacks are Super Effective against Grass-Types.)
Favorite Pokeball: Dusk Ball - a PokéBall that is more effective within Dark environments. Within Caves or at night-time, the Capture Rate is a massive 3.5; However, at any other time, the Capture Rate is 1.0. [Luminose City Pokeball Shop; 1,000 Pika Each]
Various Awards:
Honor of Kalos - Received for Saving the World from the Evil Plans of Team Flare. (Presented at the Kalos Region Champion’s Parade in Luminose City; By Prof. Augustine Sycamore)
My Current Trainer Outfit:
Legend: Type/ Clothing/ Color/ Style/ Price (Pika)
Hat/ Fedora/ Black/ Elegant/ 80,000
Torso/ Plaid Shirt Combo/ Red/ Elegant/ 120,000
Bag/ Vinyl Messenger/ Black/ Elegant/ 100,000
Legs/ Vinyl Pants/ Black/ Elegant/ 180,000
Socks/ Ankle Socks/ Purple/ Average/ 900
Shoes/ Loafers/ Black/ Elegant/ 80,000
Accessory/ Feather/ Red/ Average/ 1,400
Hairstyle: Short
Hair Color: Brown
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
Pokemon X Version: Kalos Region
Pokemon Kalos Region:
Based on:France
Kalos Dex: Contains some Pokemon from all 6 Regions (437 Entries Total)
National Dex; Total Number of Pokemon entries: 718 Entries Total
The Kalos Dex is so large that they split it into 3 Sections: Central (150 Entries Total); Coastal (139 Entries Total); and Mountain (148 Entries Total).
The total number of TMs increased from 95 to 100. (Double the number of TMs that they had back in 1998) [All TMs are Re-Usable, like in Gen 5]
Money: You no longer have an money cap of 999,999 pika dollars.
All new "Fairy-Type"
Dragon-type Pokemon are Weak to Fairy-Type attacks; and Fairy-Type Pokemon are Immune to Dragon-Type attacks.
Fairy-Type Pokemon, are Weak against Poison-Type attacks.
Player Customization: Buyable Clothes and Stylible Haircuts, invent your own style.
EXP. Share - The most notable change is with the item EXP Share and how the experience is distributed. When you get EXP. Share, you learn that it's now a Key Item and, when turned on, it will give every unfainted Pokémon experience. However, unlike past generations, it's no longer cut by the amount of Pokémon that were in battle. Instead, all Pokémon who were in the battle will automatically get 100% of the experience, but those which weren't in battle will receive 50% of the experience
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